Business games in other languages
Since 1991, we have been educating companies municipalities and organizations in business finance, using our business games in both Swedish and English.
We can now offer ”The Ice Cream factory” in German ”Eiskremfabrik”, Norwegian ”Isfabrikken” and Finnish ”Jäätelötehdas”.
Business Games creates engagement, exitement, teambuilding. The corporate games deliver very efficient training. More knowledge and deeper insights in a shorter time. The business games are about making profitable business, planning, calculation and follow-up in financial terms.
Why solid manual games
We believe in solid manual games. When the dice rolls, the team gets energy. The team takes all decisions together. But each one should work out the result and make all calculations. It provides both knowledge and a sense of how business decisions and events in the market are reflected in the financial reports. A fundamental understanding of the company’s conditions in the market
Our games have been used successfully in all types of companies and in similar parts of the public sector.